Saturday, August 18, 2012

Time For Our First Ever 'Fall Frenzy!'

I don't know about you, but I'm over Summer. Over it! The last few days have brought us cooler temps and have me dreaming of Fall. There's always some debate in blogger land of the socially acceptable time to start dragging out the mums and apple scented candles. Well, my friends, I'm taking it upon myself to declare the month of September a "Fall Frenzy!"

Spill it, Sister.

Okay, okay...I'll spill the beans. Starting on September 1st, and for the entire month of September, our blog posts will be all about Fall. Recipes, crafts, activities, you get the picture. Hopefully, this will inspire you to take down the Summer deco and embrace the wonderment that is FALL. If it seems too early for you, no problem, just come back when you're ready and we'll have everything here for you.

FALL in Line, Bloggers.

I'd love to feature some of your Fall favorites. Contact me at haleyibrahim{at}gmail{dot}com if you have a blog and would like to be featured during this promotion.


  1. How fun! I have sent you an email :)

    1. Got it! Can't wait to see your yummy recipe! Thanks!

  2. How fun! I can't believe fall is already so close! I found you via the Networking Blog Hop and am now following you via GFC! I'd love a visit back at when you get the chance! :)

    1. I know, me too-but I'm so ready for it! So glad you are here--do you have a Fall project you'd like me to feature? I'd love to!

  3. I can't wait for Fall!! Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop and now following along…I would love if you would stop by and say hello :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

    1. Thank you for stopping by! Liked you back--can't wait to follow along!

  4. What a beautiful family!

    Stopping by from Thee Networking Blog Hop! Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can ;) Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle now. Love for you to link up.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I've liked you back and I'm looking forward to reading your posts! I'm also looking forward to linking up to your Monday Mingle next week!


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